Limi – Washington D.C.
Limi first heard about LIFT-DC just after the birth of her now six-year-old daughter. She was struck by the possibilities that LIFT’s program offered and was excited to learn more, but life got in the way.
Several years later, during her move back to Washington, D.C., Limi rediscovered the informational folder she had held on to for over five years. “I knew that I couldn’t go wrong with reaching out to LIFT.” So she did.
Soon after, Limi met her coach, Monique, and they quickly became the “best friends that never were.” Through their discussions, Limi began learning about opportunities she could take advantage of and also about herself. “Everything just came to life. I learned about myself and what I wanted in life… She helped me build my self-esteem.”
Despite several setbacks, including those caused by the pandemic, Monique and Limi made significant progress together. Monique encouraged Limi to take courses in a local housing assistance program and provided the resources to complete the program.
Because of their partnership, Limi became a homeowner, purchasing a 3-bedroom condo less than five years after returning to D.C. “Looking back at that time in my life, it’s almost miraculous how my life changed for the better. And I could not have done it without the LIFT team, just that push was all I needed.”
Limi built a better life for herself and her two children, and didn’t limit herself to the work she has done in the past. “Monique gave me the push to continue to pursue education and improve my résumé. She opened my eyes to better opportunities and gave me the chance to say, ‘I am capable.’”
It is these experiences of perseverance, courage, and self-discovery that Limi is passing down to her two children, six-year-old daughter Jennah and a nine-year-old son Zakaria. Her biggest hope for them is to accomplish their goals as responsible and independent individuals. Just like their mom. “To my children: Don’t get discouraged when things don’t align to your liking in the moment. When one door closes, continue to pursue other opportunities.”
Looking back on the years before LIFT, Limi now views them in a positive light. “Those years were an opportunity to keep hope alive, to see the light at the end of the tunnel…It was a blessing in disguise The past has taught me a lot…it has opened my eyes to make me a stronger person.”
Currently, Limi is working with Monique on her application to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Health and is excited about even more accomplishments ahead.
“I can proudly say that I took that first step to move forward, even though there were some dark days…I want to give kudos to Monique, and all of the LIFT team, for literally being a bridge to improving my life.”
Read more stories like Limi’s and learn more about LIFT’s work in our latest Annual Report.