Our Hearts are with Los Angeles: A message from LIFT CEO & LIFT-LA Executive Director

Dear LIFT community, 

This week, our hearts are heavy as we witness the destruction and displacement caused by the fires sweeping through Los Angeles County. As always, our first concern is the safety and well-being of our cherished LIFT-LA community—our members, coaches, team, board, and supporters. LIFT continues to be available to serve and support our members facing acute needs or moments of crisis during these challenging times. 

We also want to take a moment to recognize and appreciate everyone who helps our communities thrive—those who care for our families, nurture our homes, support our schools, cultivate our agriculture, and bring life to our businesses and restaurants. Many of these incredible individuals are our own LIFT members, whose hard work and dedication make Los Angeles the vibrant and diverse city we all love.   

We have received updates from many in our circle, sharing both profound losses and extraordinary acts of community care. It’s a bittersweet reminder of how hardship often reveals the strength of human connection. Many of us on this chain are close to or know those directly impacted by this disaster. While we are relieved to hear that everyone is currently safe and with loved ones, the loss is no less devastating. The weight of grief is palpable, mingling with the smoke and ash in the air. 

Your messages of concern, prayers, and positive energy have not gone unnoticed. They are a testament to the power of love and human kindness—precious resources that remain unwavering, even in uncertain times. 

Moments like these challenge us to process complex emotions while simultaneously asking, “What can we do?” Right now, we are leaning into love, kindness, deep listening, and collective care. Below are some trusted resources for those seeking to help or stay informed.

For donations:

For up-to-date information and assistance in Los Angeles:  

As we receive more information or learn of additional ways to support, we will keep you updated. We are holding our LIFT-LA community in light, love, and safety. Please join us in standing with Los Angeles and offering your support to those in need. 

With care and community, 

Michelle Rhone-Collins, LIFT CEO

Allie Olson, LIFT-LA Executive Director