After nearly 25 years of LIFT, families continue to prove that nothing will stop them from achieving their goals. LIFT parents teach us every day to keep fighting, keep growing, and keep pushing through to build a better future for their families.
This year’s Annual Report, No Mud, No Lotus, draws inspiration from Thich Nhat Hanh who contemplated the relationship between suffering, compassion, and growth. To us at LIFT, it’s a way of contextualizing the challenges embedded in our work and reclaiming the learning, strength and growth that occurs from moving through adversity alongside the parents we partner with. The report combines the past two years into one report to tell the full story of our emergence into the ‘new normal.’
We’re proud to share that in FY21-FY22 (June 2020-July 2022)
- Families in our program who increased their income saw an average annual increase of $21,325 and reported a $4,761 increase in savings and a $2,310 decrease in debt
- We distributed $385,000 directly to families thanks to the Family Goal Fund and $1.2 million in direct cash relief in response to COVID-19
- We double downed on putting Race, Equity, and Inclusion at the center of our work and vowed to continue to hold ourselves accountable as we address the root causes of structural racism
- We initiated our four-year strategic plan that takes a three-pronged approach to systems change for families living in poverty by 1) building our direct service model, 2) expanding our reach through technical assistance programs and 3) amplifying parents’ voices to influence policy
Thank you for your continued support of our mission to break the cycle of poverty and to create a future where all families – no matter race, ethnicity, or zip code – can push through the proverbial mud, and bloom.
With deep gratitude,

Michelle Rhone-Collins

Gina Coburn
LIFT National Board Chair