Meet Bock who’s #gettingthingsdone with DC AmeriCorps

Meet Bock, one of our Member Service Fellows from LIFT-DC, who was recently featured on DC AmeriCorps! Check out the post here:
Bock is #GettingThingsDone with Americorps National Civilian Community Corps at LIFT (!
“I was strongly drawn to LIFT because they provide direct service to local community members.I have always had a strong focus in community service, and I feel the best service comes from making connections with people. At LIFT, we meet with members weekly and work collaboratively to meet their goals. Through this, I’ve had the privilege of making strong relationships and connections with my community.”Originally from San Francisco, Bock plans to pursue a Masters in Social Work and eventually work in the non-profit sector after his Americorps year. “Ideally, I can work with an organization that impacts the local community through direct service and community organizing.

To rest and relax, Bock likes to spend time at Meridian Hill Park: “It’s such a peaceful place where I can ready a book, write in my journal, or even take a rest. On Sundays they have a drum circle with such great energy!” Wonder what Bock might be reading at Meridian Hill Park? He says his favorite book is The Giving Tree. When he’s not reading you may find him watching his favorite movie (The Lion King) or his favorite TV show (Avatar: The Last Airbender).

Interesting fact about Bock?
“I thought New England was a state until a few years ago. (I grew up on the West Coast, forgive me!).”

What’s Bock’s funniest/corniest joke?
“Rhode Island! It’s not a road or an island, what’s up with that?”

Bock is serving on the DC Americorps Leadership Council’s Development Committee. Way to go Bock!