For 25 years, LIFT has been on a journey of evolution and growth, bridging learnings from our earliest years to bring about transformational change for families. Our latest Annual Report, Building Bridges, reflects this journey, highlighting how we’ve evolved while staying true to our highest aspiration and promise — breaking generational cycles of poverty.
This annual report demonstrates how we’ve made strong progress not only to change lives of families but also change social service systems to create opportunities not barriers. We’re proud to share that in FY23 we made great strides in addressing root causes of inequity across several key areas:
- Technical Assistance: We doubled our geographic footprint and multiplied our reach tenfold by forging new partnerships across four priority sectors: healthcare, higher education, government, and early childhood.
- Policy and Advocacy: We brought LIFT members’ voices to the table with decision-makers and achieved tangible legislative wins at the local and state levels.
- Economic Mobility Coaching: We continued to iterate and evaluate our direct service model introducing new innovations such as group coaching and garnering third-party results
At LIFT, we recognize that it’s essential to have someone who believes in you, resources to rebound in crises, communities of loving support, and systems operating in your favor. But these necessities are held by some, and not all. As we craft a new roadmap for our future, we call in those with privilege to be a part of the solution to bridge racial and gender wealth gaps so that all families can thrive.
With love and gratitude,