LIFT-New York’s 2nd Spanish Career Exploration Workshop was a hit!
We started with a member-led discussion on the differences between careers and jobs. Members expressed that careers have to do with passion and calling, whereas jobs may be more short term, income driven. They discussed how in their lives, they have had jobs that became vocations through skill-building, yet many of them shared that they want to pursue careers more connected to their interests.
LIFT Coach Gerda then walked members through how to take the Interest Profiler Exam on O*Net, and then she and Program Coordinator Leah assisted members in taking the exam on the computers. Members discovered 2-3 careers that excited them, and printed them out. Members then discussed amongst each other the careers they had identified, and how they were connected to their skill sets and passions. This discussion involved a lot of member networking, and they helped solidify for each other that they could indeed pursue these passions.
Finally, Gerda highlighted industries of growth in NYC, with a focus on entrepreneurship opportunities for women and people who are undocumented. Members were highly interested, with a few who determined that they may want to start their own businesses someday. Members wrote commitment cards to themselves on next steps, one of which will be to discuss their career interests with their coach for further research at their next meeting!