How We Build Well-Being

Systems that are supposed to serve and protect, actually reflect a fundamental lack of trust in parents experiencing poverty and are over-reliant on pervasive stereotypes of “welfare queens” that continue to win the narrative and influence public policy. At LIFT, we trust parents as the CEOs of their families. That’s why we start by asking parents about their strengths, dreams, and aspirations.
LIFT works side by side with parents to set long-term goals, like going back to school or securing a living wage job. During monthly coaching sessions, parents reach incremental goals, like securing financial aid or decreasing debt. With these supports, LIFT parents experience reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
How We Build Financial Strength

One in five families makes less than $25,000 per year. The median wealth of Black and Brown households is 1/10th of white households. Parents stuck in low-wage jobs come to us to chart a better way forward.
LIFT’s financial, educational, and employment coaching model helps parents increase income, decrease debt, and build savings. Parents work directly with a LIFT coach to create a personalized plan that accounts for the time and expenses required to raise a family while taking personal steps toward a degree or higher-paying job. Through training and workshops provided by LIFT and our trusted partners, parents become financially savvy, learn how to find and secure well-paying jobs, and pursue an education that opens doors to greater economic advancement
Forty percent of Americans do not have $400 to cover an emergency. We recognize parents as CEOs of their own families who know better than anyone what their families need. Over the course of two years, parents who remain engaged in LIFT’s program receive cash assistance from LIFT’s Family Goal Fund to invest in their goals, reduce debt, or cover basic needs.
How We Build Social Connections

Needing help is not a result of poverty; it is part of the human condition regardless of income, ethnicity, or race. A loving response can be transformational in times of crisis.
We build a personal coach-parent relationship – one rooted in trust that parents can rely on. We host workshops, luncheons, special events, and other gatherings for parents to create connections and community with each other. We also connect parents with others who can give them a LIFT in sharing their expertise, network, and resources. This web of social support accelerates financial stability and empowers parents on their journeys toward a better future.
LIFT parents who reported greater feelings of connectedness after joining our program tripled the progress toward their goals.
Our mission is to break that cycle by investing in parents. We build families’ well-being, financial strength, and social connections to lift two generations at once.
And we have a plan to change lives and change systems at scale.
An investment of HOPE. MONEY. AND LOVE.
Our program addresses the trauma of poverty, inspires possibility, and increases well-being as parents transform dreams into achievable goals. Sixty-five percent of LIFT parents report reduced levels of stress within three months.
Our integrated finance, education, and career coaching builds pathways to financial stability and mobility. We also provide direct cash as an investment in families. Ninety-four percent of LIFT parents improve their finances within three months.
Relationships matter. Through our program, parents have the opportunity to grow their professional network and form a community with other LIFT families. Ninety-five percent of parents build trusting relationships during their first three months at LIFT.
How We Lift
LIFT Partners With Parents
Parents know what’s best for their families. With support from a trained LIFT coach, they design a plan tailored to their family's needs. Parents discover LIFT through our trusted partnerships with community colleges and early childcare centers, and through parent-to-parent referrals. All of our services are completely free and available in English and Spanish.
Using action plans created together with their coaches, parents break down their long-term goals (like becoming a nurse assistant), into short-term action steps (like applying to college or securing financial aid) that keep them on the path to success.
LIFT’s Family Goal Fund provides $150 direct cash payments every three months to parents in our program to reduce stress and empower them to reach their goals.
Turning their dreams into reality requires more than financial know-how — parents need social support. That's why LIFT helps parents build community at educational workshops, luncheons, special events, and other family-friendly celebrations. These gatherings help eliminate the isolation parents might be feeling and create opportunities to learn about job openings, workshops, or funds to start a business.
Families Break The Cycle
Through their own hard work – and with LIFT's support – parents create greater financial stability, career opportunities, and set their families up for success. They have obtained college degrees, purchased homes, paid off credit card debt, built child savings accounts, and started their own businesses — all proven factors of a better future for their children.
We're counting on your support to break the cycle of poverty and help parents create a better future. Be a part of the movement.